is sponsoring a Best Health Blog of 2012 Contest, and Prozac Monologues is one of the contestants.
Click on Best of 2012 to vote Prozac Monologues the Best Health Blog of 2012! The list is long -- find Prozac Monologues alphabetically. You can vote every day until February 15th. The contest started on December 21, so I am behind on the multiple vote front. Tell your Facebook friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell the people using their SmartPhones at the coffee shop! I guess you have to use a Facebook or Twitter account to cast your vote.
Meanwhile, I went back to look over my own work for the year, and invite you to do the same. Click on the word comments at the bottom of the screen to weigh in on what you think of this body of work, or any particular piece of it.
Favorite Post
Judging by page views, the Popular Vote far and away goes to Dopamine - Can't Live Without It from March 23, 2012. Coming in the middle of a series on the Stages of Change approach to changing the way we eat, this post traces the brain circuits that brought you from your grandma's cocoa to your daily Starbuck's habit, or from The Cocoa That Ate Your Brain to Pimp My Cocoa.
Click on Best of 2012 to vote Prozac Monologues the Best Health Blog of 2012! The list is long -- find Prozac Monologues alphabetically. You can vote every day until February 15th. The contest started on December 21, so I am behind on the multiple vote front. Tell your Facebook friends! Tell your neighbors! Tell the people using their SmartPhones at the coffee shop! I guess you have to use a Facebook or Twitter account to cast your vote.
Meanwhile, I went back to look over my own work for the year, and invite you to do the same. Click on the word comments at the bottom of the screen to weigh in on what you think of this body of work, or any particular piece of it.
Favorite Post
Judging by page views, the Popular Vote far and away goes to Dopamine - Can't Live Without It from March 23, 2012. Coming in the middle of a series on the Stages of Change approach to changing the way we eat, this post traces the brain circuits that brought you from your grandma's cocoa to your daily Starbuck's habit, or from The Cocoa That Ate Your Brain to Pimp My Cocoa.