Suicide - Resources

If you need help in the US, call 988

Para espaƱol, toca 1-800-273-8255, y toca 2

For LBGTQ youth, call 1-866-4-U-TREVOR

For Military Veterans 1-800-273-TALK (press 1)

Hotlines outside the US and other resources can be found at this link.


Here are other things to read or view that helped me, maybe will help you:

Suicide: Read this first: (words for the suicidal)

Why is is so hard to recover from being suicidal (this post made me feel heard when my therapist just didn't get it)

The Trevor Project (contact information for LBGTQ youth)

It Gets Better Project (also for LBGTQ youth)
Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts by Stacey Freedenthal was written for friends and family. Description: “If you love someone who is having suicidal thoughts, you may struggle with the profound fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. You want to help, and you may even feel a kind of desperation to make sure your loved one is safe, but are unsure of where to start. This book can guide you as you support your loved one—without sacrificing your own needs and well-being. You’ll find the answers to some of your most urgent questions. . .”


A personal comment: 50,000,000 people alive today have or at some point will be in suicidal pain. 45,000,000 of us will survive that pain and live until we die of -- something else. Live long and prosper!

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