What is it like, this chemistry experiment, you ask. Somebody did ask, honest.
Prozac Monologues strives to be journalism, not journaling. I write for education (mine first, then yours), not for therapy. So when the story turns to the Chemistry Experiment, a topic I write about so often, it gets its own label, I have tried to season my prose only lightly with my personal story.
But the Chemistry Experiment has been excruciatingly personal these last several weeks. And nowadays, the personal story is one way that journalists frame their reporting. So here goes.
Prozac Monologues strives to be journalism, not journaling. I write for education (mine first, then yours), not for therapy. So when the story turns to the Chemistry Experiment, a topic I write about so often, it gets its own label, I have tried to season my prose only lightly with my personal story.
But the Chemistry Experiment has been excruciatingly personal these last several weeks. And nowadays, the personal story is one way that journalists frame their reporting. So here goes.