This is not a regular post. It is a call for your help to create a future post.
Prozac Monologues goes to the movies. This time, I want to do a piece on spirituality at the movies. It will feature half a dozen titles, each with a short descriptive blurb and a couple prompts for pondering and/or discussion. Maybe your support group or book club or Bible study could use the suggestions to mix it up a bit?
Here is an example:
Groundhog Day: Self-centered weather caster, played by Bill Murray gets caught in a time warp, reliving one day over and over and over and over. The only thing he can change is himself. What is the life worth living? How do we get stuck in a life that isn't? Where do we find the power to change?
Power, grace, forgiveness, redemption, hope, dignity, the meaning of life, the universe and everything -- What are the stories that help you think about these things?
Put your suggestion in the comments. Whether it is included will depend on the number of suggestions received, whether I understand it, and whether it fits what goes on at
Prozac Monologues. Looniness is appreciated, though not required. Deadline for inclusion: December 31, 2012.
image of popcorn from
dvd cover from