Stages of Change for Weight Loss Revisited

How embarrassing.  I clicked on the link to an old post which is getting a lot of hits this week.  It's all about how diets don't work.  And I found four ads about weight loss.

Okay, maybe there is helpful information in those ads.  I hope so, because I put ads on my site to give you resources beyond what my poor brain can contrive. But I don't know, because I get paid by how often somebody looks at them, and the contract says I am not allowed to look at them myself.  I am also not allowed to encourage you to look at them.  That's up to you.  Never mind.

Anyway, it's hard to avoid ads for weight loss these days.  It's that time of year.  Yank Toys 'R Us on Christmas Day.  Haul out Jenny Craig.  A couple weeks and the Super Bowl will move us on to Doritos and Bud Weiser.

Meanwhile, that old post is part of a series that I do recommend to you if you are thinking about your health these days.  Managing weight is one health issue.  Actually, the series is more about how you eat than about how you lose weight.  In particular, it is about changing habits -- how you get from one side of the canyon, I need to change my old habit to the other, I have a new habit.  You do it one step at a time.

There it is, the road map.  It will take longer than the amount of time scheduled for Jenny Craig ads to run before they are replaced by Bud Weiser and Doritos.  But one step at a time, it will get you where you want to go.

I wrote about this subject off and on for several months a couple years ago.  You don't usually find weight loss ads at Prozac Monologues.  I took up the topic first, because the meds that us loonies take cause ballooning weight gain that kills us off an average of some fifteen years sooner than everybody else.  And our doctors usually give us ineffective advice, if any, about that.  This part of our recovery, we have to do ourselves.  I continued, because I discovered that food habits are about brain science.  Keep following links to the next article in the series, and the next, and you will learn about the brain's g-spot!

With that to tickle your fancy, start here.  The list of links for each next post is at the bottom.

Have a happy and healthy New Year!

 photo of tape measure from
photo of Glen Canyon by Sascha Brück, used under the Creative Commons license
Stages of Change graphic by Todd Atkins and in the public domain
Nucleus Accumbens graphic from The, used under the Creative Commons license

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. We should have to change our eating habits for our perfect weight loss because a good diet is very important in this case.


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