My therapist once picked up the DSM and said, This could be called The Book of Behaviors That Make Therapists Nervous.
An apt description. It is filled with descriptors: adjectives, behaviors, impulses, thoughts, feelings that are all human adjectives, behaviors, impulses, thoughts and feelings. Almost none of them are strange in and of themselves. Almost all of them are familiar to all of us.
It's just that at some point, when these descriptors add up, somebody starts to get nervous.
Diagnosis -- Recognizing Deviation From The Norm
An apt description. It is filled with descriptors: adjectives, behaviors, impulses, thoughts, feelings that are all human adjectives, behaviors, impulses, thoughts and feelings. Almost none of them are strange in and of themselves. Almost all of them are familiar to all of us.
It's just that at some point, when these descriptors add up, somebody starts to get nervous.
Diagnosis -- Recognizing Deviation From The Norm