Imagine you have a dragon in the house.
It has been there a long time. When it was little, you could hide it. You knew your parents didn't like it when you talked about it. So you guarded it as a secret for the longest time, even with its nasty habit of singeing your fingers. But when the couch caught fire, they knew, and insisted you get help.
They want you to get rid of the dragon. Some of them think you can. Others think you can tranquilize it, and the couch will never catch fire again, and nobody need ever know you have a dragon in the house.
Iron Rule #1: You cannot get rid of the dragon. It is here to stay.
It has been there a long time. When it was little, you could hide it. You knew your parents didn't like it when you talked about it. So you guarded it as a secret for the longest time, even with its nasty habit of singeing your fingers. But when the couch caught fire, they knew, and insisted you get help.
They want you to get rid of the dragon. Some of them think you can. Others think you can tranquilize it, and the couch will never catch fire again, and nobody need ever know you have a dragon in the house.
Iron Rule #1: You cannot get rid of the dragon. It is here to stay.